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September 2017 - Let's Get This Party Started!

Well...this is from Fall 2017…and never made it from the draft folder to post! So, here’s a of a flashback two years!

it's been almost a year since we started this journey, maybe I'll post about that another day. We haven't done a ton, insert sad emoji face. But, here we are and we're taking some major steps to get some more work done on the house.  So far, we have just moved sliding glass door and built a pantry where the old one was located, but there's so much more left to do (and some finishing projects left over from previous ones).  But, tomorrow is a big day.  It's a small, but necessary, step. We're having the ceilings in our new family room (former dining room) and the kitchen skim-coated.  Our plaster guy wanted to just drywall over them, but it would have dramatically changed the reveal on our mouldings, the essence of character in an old home. So, no thanks. It's going to be a messy job, but shouldn't take more than a week.  But, here's what it means!  It means that I can then move forward with all of the other projects that were on hold because it really made no sense to paint walls, trim, refinish floors, change out old lighting fixtures, etc. when the ceilings (a crazy tedious, messy job) still need to be done. So, here's a bit of what the before is looking like...I can't wait to see the after.


In the meantime, I've got a pile built up in our living room (UGH) of all the materials that can go in  (rugs, blinds, etc.) after the painting is done. I've also got 4 weeks of vacation left this year, so once these bloody ceilings are done, it's full steam ahead.